Mrs. Cross' Spanish Classes
Welcome to Spanish class at Wachusett Regional High School. On this website you will find copies of notes and assignments for class, a schedule of due dates, and resources to help you complete your class work. Please use the menu above to navigate.
You must digitally sign that you have downloaded and viewed the class syllabus. You will also need to complete the printed parent/guardian information sheet and your website homework. To view and see directions for signing for the class syllabus go here: Sign for your class syllabus
To complete classwork assignments, please sign in to Google Classroom.
You can now access both the textbook and the workbook online. Sign in to Google Classroom for access information for your class.
Need practice with vocabulary and grammar? Go to Vocabulary & Grammar Flashcards to practice with digital flash cards, practice pronunciation, play games, and take practice quizzes!
To view your class notes and resources go here: Class Notes & Resources.
Grades are available online through Power School. If you don't have the log-on information, please contact guidance.
If you are looking for previous materials available on this website, try visiting
Digital Copy of Class Syllabus
You must digitally sign that you have downloaded and viewed the class syllabus. You will also need to complete the printed parent/guardian information sheet and your website homework. To view and see directions for signing for the class syllabus go here: Sign for your class syllabus
Classwork Assignments - Google Classroom
To complete classwork assignments, please sign in to Google Classroom.
Online Textbook and Workbook
You can now access both the textbook and the workbook online. Sign in to Google Classroom for access information for your class.
Vocabulary & Grammar Practice
Need practice with vocabulary and grammar? Go to Vocabulary & Grammar Flashcards to practice with digital flash cards, practice pronunciation, play games, and take practice quizzes!
Class Notes & Resources
To view your class notes and resources go here: Class Notes & Resources.
Class Grades
Grades are available online through Power School. If you don't have the log-on information, please contact guidance.
Archive of Cuaderno EspaƱol
If you are looking for previous materials available on this website, try visiting